Milk Journal Submissions Guidelines

What do you publish?

We publish book reviews (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction) and author interviews. We believe that books are not milk. Which is to say: books don’t have an expiration date. While we are happy to publish reviews and interviews promoting new books, part of our mission is to extend the traditional publicity cycle of books. We are particularly interested in debut writers and books from indie presses. We will also prioritize work by or reviewed by writers of color. We are not open to work or individuals who promote hate, violence, or discrimination against any group.

Should I send a pitch or a completed interview/review?

We accept pitches but prefer completed work. Please include a bio for yourself, as well as information about the book/author you are reviewing or interviewing. If you’re sending a pitch for an interview, please include sample questions that you plan to ask the writer, as well as the themes you plan to explore in the interview, and 2-3 links to relevant pieces you’ve written. If you’re submitting a book review, please include links to other reviews you’ve written, if applicable. If you’re submitting a pitch, you can put it all in the body of the email. If you’re submitting a completed interview/review, please attach it as a Word document.

Do you publish previously published work?

We do not publish previously published work.

Do you accept simultaneous submissions?

Yes, we do. Please let us know right away if your interview or review is picked up elsewhere.

Do you publish original creative work (poems, creative nonfiction or fiction)?

Unless you are writing a creative piece in response to a published book, no, we do not publish original creative work. If you are looking for places to submit, you might search through Heavy Feather Review's Where to Submit or other calls. 

If I send you my book, will you pair me with a reviewer/interviewer?

Right now, we aren’t able to pair writers with reviewers/interviewers.

What is the word count you’ll consider?

We’ll publish reviews and interviews between 250 and 2,000 words.

What is your response time?

We’ll respond within three months - hopefully sooner!

Do you pay for pieces?

Unfortunately, we are not able to pay at this time. We hope one day that we’ll be able to do so

I’m ready to submit! Where should I send it?

Please send submissions to us at Please make sure the subject line reads “Interview/Review Pitch: Name of Book and Author and Publishing House.”