Brown Bag Lit Submission Guidelines:

Are you a published writer, literary agent, editor, publisher, publicist, bookstore owner, etc., interested in being a participant in a Brown Bag Lit project? We are interested in hearing from folks in the literary world.

We’d love to consider you! Please follow these instructions; don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

We will consider submissions on a rolling basis for the following categories:

Events (Online discussion; live and recorded between September - May) All events are 1 hour and held from 12 - 1 pm EST on Zoom.

Fake AWP Panel Discussions (Online discussion; live and recorded) The panel discussions are one hour long on Zoom scheduled during or near the annual AWP conference.

Visit Lunch Break Members (Live discussion with our Lunch Break members and maybe a few Brown Bag Lit friends about your book, a craft issue, etc.)

Lattes & Lit (Recorded interview posted to our Youtube channel) The interview should last 15 - 45 minutes. 

Brown Bag Lit Friends Recommend (graphic posted to our social media accounts)

Your emailed proposal should include:

Participants’ names

Social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Bluesky and LinkedIn, as applicable) for each participant, their publisher and other related sites, such as author sites.

Please include a prospective title, what you’re interested in presenting, why you are the best person for this discussion and when you’d like to present/think it would be most relevant to our community.

If we accept your proposal, we will work hard to promote your accepted event through social media, announcements at earlier events and our email list, as well as posting in related groups and reaching out to some related organizations. Your proposal should include what you will do to help to promote the event, too. We view this as a team effort.

If you are accepted, we will ask for your headshot(s) and book cover(s) or other applicable images.

All materials should be emailed to with the subject line: Category, your name (for example: Fake AWP Panel Discussions, Jane Smith).

Additional notes:

You will retain the rights for any materials that include you; please be sure to give us credit if you re-use (publish/etc.) the material.

We are unable to offer financial compensation at this time. We will, of course, advertise your event and encourage attendees to follow you and purchase any books that you have for sale.

We are open to new ideas, first time writers, established writers and everyone in between. Surprise us! You can review our website, Youtube channel and social media to see what we’ve done.

Please note that we usually schedule our events about 3 - 9 months ahead of time. 

We are a small, volunteer organization. Please be patient. We can only host a few events a year.